

  • Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) utilizes ancient techniques and diagnosis to treat a number of conditions.

  • TCM diagnosis incorporates symptoms and tongue/pulse diagnosis to individualize acupuncture point selection.

  • Acupuncture points stimulate and promote the balanced flow of energy (Qi) within the body.


  • Cosmetic/Facial acupuncture involves the insertion of needles into the face and neck region.

  • Encourages blood flow, collagen and elastin production, which can help reduce wrinkles, fine lines, and other signs of aging improving the skins appearance.


  • The placement of acupuncture needles to treat local conditions, inflammation, and musculoskeletal pain and injury.

  • Points are selected based on individual assessment.

  • Can also be coupled with electro-stimulation therapy


Does acupuncture hurt?

Acupuncture needles are a similar thickness to a dog’s whisker, and are virtually painless. The needle will be inserted to the appropriate depth based on anatomy and treatment principles. A unique sensation may be felt, which can feel like tingling, heaviness, warmth, or nothing at all. Each person’s experience is different. If any discomfort is felt, inform your doctor and the needles can be adjusted accordingly.

Are needles reused?

All needles are sterilized and disposed after use. The area of insertion is also sterilized prior to insertion of the needle.

What does acupuncture do?

Acupuncture can be use to treat a wide range of conditions including but not limited to: skin concerns, PMS, fertility, rheumatoid arthritis, pain management, diarrhea/constipation, headaches, anxiety etc.

How long is a treatment?

Generally, treatment sessions are 30-45 minutes. However, this can differ based on individual needs. Cosmetic acupuncture sessions are 45-60 minutes.

How often are appointments?

Frequency of appointments is based on each individual’s needs and treatment plan. The specific treatment plan will be determined depending on your health concerns and goals. This can range from weekly to bi-weekly to monthly appointments for a 6 week duration. After 6 weeks, reassessment and minor adjustments to the treatment plan are often made.

When will I see results?

This will vary from individual, condition being treated (acute vs chronic). For cosmetic acupuncture, it often requires 8-12 weeks of treatment to see the best results.